Innovation, sustainability and integration are our three pillars.

Through our “Trending” Foundation we help with our brands and products to people at risk of social exclusion and the most disadvantaged.

Our commitment to the social and labour integration of women is total, as 90% of Trending’s staff is made up of women.


We also want to preserve the environment through the use of recycled or recyclable materials in the packaging of our brands.

Furthermore logistics processes and online stores take a crucial step towards a greener and more sustainable environment. That is why trending advocates its own academic iniciatives in order to train both end users and all operators involved in the supply chain.

We are commited to using monocomponent sustainable plastic, paper and paperboard, thanks to its easy recyclability.


Sustainable Packaging
A New Reason to Believe

Responsible & Healthy self-care

We renew our commitment to adapting products to local markets as an added value of Trending’s logistics management, as a result of extensive experience in distribution and relabeling in different regions.

Cruelty Free Brands
Vegan Brands
The best of both worlds; the demanding image and our life projects.